The Live Music Forum

Hamish Birchall Circular

Friday 27th January 2012 - Live music reform in time for Olympics ?

What better day than Mozart's birthday for the conclusion of Parliamentary debate on the Live Music Bill.

The two minor amendments agreed in Commons Committee were ratified in the House of Lords. We now await dates for Royal Assent and implementation.

Speaking to the amendments, Lord Clement-Jones offered his own 'Brit Awards' to those organisations and individuals who had helped him make the Bill a success. Lord Colwyn added his thanks and congratulations. Both expressed the hope that the Bill would be enacted in time for the Queen's Jubilee and Olympics.

Lord Clement-Jones added: 'At that time there will be suitable celebrations and performances, I hope, in pubs and clubs up and down the land.'

Baroness Rawlings responded: 'My Lords, on behalf of the Government, I would like to add my thanks and congratulations to my noble friend Lord Clement-Jones on his persistence and for having successfully steered through this very worthwhile Bill. Regarding the Olympics and Her Majesty the Queen’s Jubilee, it would seem appropriate. I will, of course, take the wishes of my noble friend Lord Clement-Jones back to the DCMS.'

Watch on Parliament tv here (it only lasts a few minutes):

Read in Hansard:


Hamish Birchall