The Live Music Forum

Hamish Birchall Bulletin


Wedenesday 1st February 2007 - Licensing petition: more than 6600 signatures


Please circulate

More than 6,680 people have now signed the licensing/live music e-petition on the Number 10 site:

As a result the petition has reached number 13 in the list of over 2,500 on this site. By the end of this month it should be well within the top 10.

But many more signatures are needed to attract national media attention, and to encourage the government to make music-friendly changes to the legislation: the Licensing Act 2003.

Please consider signing if you haven't already done so. If you have signed, encourage friends to sign.  Points to remember about the new law:

'Very few establishments that wanted a new licence were denied it, and many who were previously limited to 2-in-a-bar now have the ability to stage music with 2 or more musicians... This contrasts, of course, with the fact that 40% of establishments now have no automatic means of putting on live music (i.e. they would have to give a TEN).'

['Licensing Act 2003, The experience of smaller establishments in applying for live music authorisation', December 2006', paragraphs 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 'Conclusions', p54; Caroline Callahan, Andy Martin, Anna Pierce, Ipsos-MORI]

'TEN' stands for Temporary Event Notice - in effect a temporary entertainment licence. Only 12 are allowed per premises per year. They cost £21 each.  See the full MORI reports on this site:

Hamish Birchall


